b'Collorrer (MtRouse)HAMILTONVolcanoes Discovery Centre will reveal the unique story of the formation of the A vibrant art scene, retail shopping precinct,lava flows known as the Kanawinka Geotrail. gourmet food and wine, and stylishNature lovers will be well rewarded with a accommodation adds modern day appealvisit to the Penshurst Wetland Gardens to this stylish city. Ideally based to reachand the Yatermerone Wildlife Reserve.the Great Ocean Road, Limestone Coast and the Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park. Historic church spires, parks andDUNKELD gardens and historic stone buildings reflectThe attraction to Dunkeld is instant. a proud and prosperous wool growingThe first sighting of the searing peaks heritage. The areas magnificent outdoorsof Wurgarri (Mt Sturgeon) and Mud-with its ancient volcanoes, tranquil lakesDadjug (Mount Abrupt) puncturing and waterfalls showcase nature at its best. through the surrounding fertile soils, commands immediate attention and PENSHURSTawe. These two almighty mountainous sentinels have been guarding the Penshurst is steeped in volcanic history.landscape of the DjapWurrong country The dormant volcano Collorrer (Mtfor over 400-million years. Connect with Rouse) allows easy access via road tothe maker, the grower, the barista, the the summit offering panoramic views ofchef, the artist, and the volunteers who the surrounding lava plain. Avisit to theare all proud members of the local hood.42 | #grampians'